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2020 07 01

Daily life continues much the same, but change is coming. Many have been praying with us for God to guide us to where young people can be equipped for service. Over the past few months those doors have begun opening—not where we’d initially imagined, and yet His leading is unmistakable. In August, as God provides, Gan, Aun, and their younger brother Chat will begin their studies at Asia-Pacific International University (AIU), formerly Mission College. I will join them as God has also been leading me to continue my education. In February, I visited the school’s lovely country campus a couple hours outside of Bangkok. The staff members I spoke with are excited that a group of older young people with a vision to work for God will be on campus—one staff member in particular prayed that God would lead us according to His will, and if His will included AIU, that we would shine right there on campus, encouraging younger students to focus on Jesus.  And so it sounds as if we are called for a time to live as Waldenses. Many Buddhists attend AIU because of the quality of education, and we look forward to making friends with them as well as future leaders of God’s work in Asia and other parts of the world, too.  As we follow God’s leading to AIU, we ask that you would pray with us that we would continue to follow Him each and every step of the way, both at the school and beyond.  And if you wish to help in any way, please contact my mom, Rebecca Van Hee. We’re still working out the kinks, but she will be able to let you know what you can do.


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